Saturday, July 3, 2021

Which Windows are best for your Home

 Choosing the right windows for a new house or for remodeling an
existing house is very critical. Windows are not just aesthetic elements,
they play a big role in safety and energy efficiency.
Strategically placed singularly or as an assembly of
more units can dramatically change the appearance of
the house; placed symmetrically with rhythm and balance
will give a majestic look to the house independently from the style.
A more random layout will give a more informal and casual look.
To be energy efficient, a window shall have a
low conductivity value: u=36 min. which require the use of double glazing.
Window framing are available in aluminum, vinyl or wood clad.
Aluminum or vinyl are commonly used in subtropical climates.
Wood clad are better looking and cost more, but
might have a condensation problem between the two materials.
Safety in florida is very important. windows are the weakest element
in a house, that is the reason their fabrication has to meet rigid criteria
established by the FBC. All windows need to be approved by the
bldg dept prior installation by providing a certificate showing NOA test results.
regulations might be annoying but in many cases they protect the owner and save lives.